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Early Childhood Education

When the Taliban fell at the end of 2001 and after more than 30 years of war, we considered that early childhood education would constitute the basis of the future generation who will rebuild the country.

We have thus placed ourselves over the long term, by supporting and developing, from 2003 to 2013, two kindergartens in the 7th district of Kabul, then in 2015, by creating the AliceGhan kindergarten, in a rural area. To date, 2,000 students have benefited from our program.

The facilities of the 7th district are recognized by the National Direction of Kindergarten as a reference in the country.

Education of young girls

Since 2007, EPA has supported 5 girls' high schools (1st to 12 grade) in the 7th district, involving nearly 28,000 students. Our support focuses over the following 3 areas:


  • Teacher training : 7 sessions between 2007 and 2018 (3 200 hours of academic seminars) involving 700 teachers of maths, physics, chemistry and biology. Next session in December 2021.

  • Extra-curricular courses - In 10 years, 14,000 hours of support lessons given to 5,000 students.


  • Women's sport : construction and equipment of sport fields in 2 high schools (Sultan Razia and Tchelsetoun) in 2017.

  • Hygiene: rehabilitation of health, maintenance of latrines and construction of water tanks and hand-washing bassins.

Bourses d'Études Supérieures 

Programme initié en 2008 visant à promouvoir la place et les droits des femmes dans le monde du travail et au sein de la famille.


La bourse est destinée aux bachelières de milieu modeste, issues d'établissements soutenus par EPA et ayant réussi l'examen d'entrée à l'Université de Kaboul.


56 bourses accordées depuis 2008. A fin 2020 on compte 49 diplômées:  22 en Bac+4 à Bac+7;  27 en Bac+2 et Bac+3.

Filières d’études de nos diplômées:  médecine, odontologie, hydrologie, chimie, maths, pharmacie, droit, informatique, économie et gestion, géologie, psychologie, enseignement, langues étrangères...

Women Neighborhood House - Training & Access to Health


Along with education, this component, in place since 2010, is the second central pilar of our action in favor of women's rights.

Through the following 3 categories of activities our center has become a real space for women social interaction. In 2020, the center welcomes more than 100 women in literacy, sewing and English every day:


  • Literacy, reading and arithmetic : 6 levels (initiation to improvement). In 10 years, nearly 500 women have been able to free themselves from the shackles of illiteracy and open up a more fulfilling perspective on life.  

In January 2020, we started the Introductory English course . This welcomes 25 women and girls, over a 2-year course.

  • Sewing training : 400 hours of lessons combined with 200 hours of literacy, for those who are illiterate. 450 women trained , most of whom manage to generate income and thereby improve their status within the household.


  • Gynecological consultations and pregnancy follow-up: 7,500 consultations and care provided in 9 years, by our midwife.

Micro Crédit pour Paysans et Artisans

EPA a lancé ce programme en 2007 et 16 micro-crédits ont été accordés depuis (11 paysans et  5 artisans).


Spécificités et conditions d’éligibilité :


  • Durée de 3 ans maximum, sans intérêt (taux 0 %).

  • Montant allant de 150 à 1 500 €, selon projet.

  • Scolarisation obligatoire des enfants de 6 ans et plus.


Résultats obtenus :

  • Triplement du revenu (+200 %).    

  • Recouvrement du crédit à 100% => Zéro coût pour EPA.

  • Bénéficiaires évoquent un changement radical de leur vie: autosuffisance et autonomie; dignité et espoir retrouvés; scolarisation des enfants et baisse des tensions familiales et psychologiques …


Wahid Nawabi


Tél: =33 (0)6 07 17 94 58

EPA enregistré à la Pref. de l’Isère n°W38100118, reconnu d’intérêt général ;

Site internet:;

email:; Contact: Wahid Nawabi- +33 (0) 607 179 458


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© 2019 par Elsa Lecoq - - pour EPA

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